Personal Health | Mobile App


Addressing anxiety, our team created a mobile app that provides personalized feedback to assist mitigation techniques, routine building, and resilience development. Through user interviews, affinity mapping, and journey maps, we pulled insight to inform our final design solution.

The Ask:

Develop a personal health app that allows users to track and understand their data.

Duration: 4 Months

Team: Jane Anchakova, Fab Sacco, Omar Rashid, & Celine Wong

Role: Project Manager & UX Designer

Tools Used:Mural, Adobe Illustrator, XD



R e s e a r c h

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Problem Space:

In North America, anxiety affects 1 in every 8 children and 18.1% of the adult population [2]. Physiological symptoms include shortness of breath, heart racing, changes in body temperature, and irrational & excessive fear.


Competitive & Market Research:

In addition to wearables like Fitbit, and Touchpoint, we researched four major health apps including: AIRO, Headspace, Happify, and Rootd.

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User Interviews:

In 2 weeks, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 potential users based on the following criteria:

  1. Has a strong relationship with researcher

  2. Living with an anxiety disorder

  3. Comfortable sharing personal stories & experiences

“Being around people I trust makes me more comfortable and able to keep anxiety levels at bay. Nature, walks, and sunlight improve my mental state.”

“It makes you numb, you can’t concentrate or do anything about it, can’t do anything properly and it makes you less productive.”

“It comes in waves and usually happens in the morning, making it harder to get up. I start the day feeling anxious and it carries on throughout the day.”

“Go to a [meditation] class or using a pre-recorded tape to keep focus. Music is good….at night I have a machine that makes natural sounds.”

P e r s o n a s & N E E D s

  • Developed personas that display specific attitudes and behavioural patterns.

  • Data synthesis using: Affinity Diagrams | As-Is Scenario Maps | Journey Maps.

  • Identify pain points potential users may have that our solution must address.



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Creating Needs Statements from Users’ Pain Points:

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revisit the problem statement:

1. Place a greater importance on empathetic components.

2. Solution should encourage routine building and facilitate focus shifting.

3. Users desire a sense of control & autonomy of their anxiety.

We have observed that current products and apps aren’t focusing on optimal routine building time periods or providing personalized feedback, which causes users to feel consumed and unable to mitigate their anxiety. How might we incorporate personalized assistance to manage anxiety in real time?

S k e t c h | s t o r y b o a r d | w i r e f r a m e


Rough sketches were done to illustrate the screens a user would see while completing different tasks within the app.


Storyboarding the flow of people's interaction with a product over time and in a different contexts. Identifying what's really important for users.

Wireframe mockups were made in Adobe XD which allowed us to conduct usability testing quickly with various participants. The feedback received helped inform user flows, feature accessibility, and determine content relevancy.

Wireframe mockups were made in Adobe XD which allowed us to conduct usability testing quickly with various participants. The feedback received helped inform user flows, feature accessibility, and determine content relevancy.


o l i v e r

In a safe space to build autonomy & confidence with routine, stress mitigation techniques, and self-awareness, Oliver is here to help.


Key Features:

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N e x t S t e p s:

1) Consult healthcare professionals & reiterate with co-creation.

2) Incorporate app with a wearable for predictive measures and prevention.

3) Conduct scientific studies to ensure validity and accuracy of app. 

4) Pushing users to interact with their immediate environment.

R e f l e c t i o n s

  • The impact of co-creation in the human centred design process. Without interviewing, consulting, and testing with end-users, our solution would be built on assumptions rather than insights.

  • How important team alignment and communication is. To keep ourselves on the same path while making progress, consistent team meetings are in order and playbacks would be useful for the future.

  • Tackling a very important yet complex issue such as mental health requires much more research and testing to ensure validity and viability of any product. Everyone’s experience with anxiety is so subjective it is crucial to approach ‘solutions’ with sensitivity and care.

    Testing, testing, & more testing …


Design Jam: Hydro One


Ux & Industrial Design: Biking Visibility & Safety