Improving the Shopping experience



Using Tobii-Pro eyeglasses and eye tracking software, I facilitated a usability study with existing customers. Gaze analysis identified problem spaces and opportunities for design recommendations.

The Ask:

Explore the current in-store shopping experience of WINNERS and identify areas of design opportunity.

Duration: 2 Months

Team: Evguenia Anchakova, Lucas Lazdins & Celine Wong

Role: UX Researcher

Tools Used: Tobii-Pro Lab Software & Glasses, Adobe Illustrator

O u r A p p r o a c h

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o b j e c t i v e s

> Focus on in-store navigation and usability based on the “treasure hunting” experience of WINNERS.

> Uncover insights into consumer behaviour that provide opportunity service customers better.

> Deliver recommendations to key stakeholders: TJX | WINNERS, customers, & design team.


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12 females aged 25-54yrs who are occasional or regular shoppers at WINNERS.

Participants were incentivized with a 100$ gift card.

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Interview Script

We carried out a scenario based study in which 4 shopping tasks were assigned to participants to complete.


Use Eye Tracking Technology

Tobii-Pro glasses were used to record participants’ gaze while completing shopping tasks.

  • Moderating 1 on 1 sessions, we encouraged users to think out-loud.

  • Debrief: Our team complied results, shared notable quotes and observations to provide context to our study.

  • Use pro-lab software to generate heat maps, gaze plots, and tracking metrics to aid our data analysis.


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1. Unclear Navigation

Indistinct or vague navigation is a barrier for customers to achieve their task/goal, and causes frustrations.

> Gaze plot depicts a user’s difficulty attempting to find directional signage.

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2. Labeling and Content Grouping

Categorization of merchandise caused unease due to ambiguity.

“That’s misleading…I would not shop for dress pants here”.


3. Clutter Causes Confusion

Messy, over stocked areas created confusion, lead to distractions (which delayed task completion), and overwhelming experiences.

> Heat map displaying user’s attempt to find a specific item, but is unable to complete the task without the moderator’s help.

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s

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I m p l i c a t i o n s

By conducting this field study, we identified trends in user behaviour that lead to initial design recommendations for WINNERS. Further research into WINNERS’ operations is required to explore the current problem spaces such as: signage, inventory, stocking processes, and likelihood of adopting new solutions. These findings helped provide context for our future design sprint and inform WINNERS of current opportunities to enhance the customer shopping experience.

N e x t S t e p s:

1. Consult key stakeholders for further direction & briefing

2. Complete competitor analysis

3. Facilitate a design sprint with UX team

4. Test & develop solutions

R e f l e c t i o n s

  • Using new research methods (eye-tracking) and learning Tobii-Pro Lab software provides greater validity to derived insights.

  • The value of doing user research in field is really important. Through contextual inquiry, we are able to assess what users do versus what they say they do.

  • If time allowed, I would like to expand our research to a broader audience; identify how companions (children & partners) may experience the store. Is there opportunity to enhance their current experience?


Curious to see what happened next?…


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